5 Uncommon Types Of Tourism:
5. Jihad Tourism
When the Syrian war started and the Islamic State (aka ISIS) controlled several parts of Iraq and Syria, several Western countries faced a surge in citizens leaving to fight for Islamic groups like ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). These people are called jihad tourists.
4. Suicide Tourism

3. Disaster Tourism
Disaster tourists are people who travel to areas that have been destroyed by a natural or man-made disaster. These types of tourists are called dark tourists and they are only interested in satisfying their curiosity, seeing firsthand the effects of the disaster and also to help the people which are affected by disasters.
2. Sex Tourism

Most of the time, the tourist will be traveling from an advanced nation to a less advanced nation. It used to be the exclusive province of Western tourists, but more sex tourists are arriving from China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Jamaica are popular sex destinations.
1. Drug Tourism
Drug tourism, the act of moving from your country to another with the sole intention of doing drugs, is increasingly becoming a niche industry in drug producing nations like Colombia. Western and Australian tourists will often travel to Colombia and other countries where drugs are cheap and common just to buy and use cocaine.
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