5 Facts Every Beer Drinker must know

5 Interesting  Facts of Beer:

Beer the ice-cold, hoppy, golden cup of deliciousness that serves as a symbol of happiness. It is the one real artifact that connects all of mankind together, as it is the only thing prevalent in some form in all societies that has really survived the test of time. From beer worshipers to healthy diets and George Washington’s legendary liver, here are five fun facts every beer drinker needs to know.

5. Beer Is Actually Good For You

 According to researchers, beer contains polyphenols, which are compounds that carry hypotensive, anticoagulant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even anticarcinogenic properties. This should not come as much of a surprise, as history is loaded with instances of fermented products being used in medicine, but there is just something about a bunch of geniuses in lab coats openly declaring the health benefits of beer that gives it a new validity. It should also be noted that these scientists also say that excessive drinking has negative effects on the Human body.  But at least when you are 40 you can say that it is for your health.

4. George Washington Was A Beer Lover


Washington also dabbled in some brewing of his own and actually had his own personal Beer recipe. Though it was not for a porter, the combination of bran hops, molasses, and yeast is an unmistakable beer brew combination. With his infamous slave-pulled teeth and iron liver, the legend of George Washington looms large in the landscape of US history.

3. There Is An Actual Reason We Call It Beer

.The word “beer” itself is believed to be derived from the Latin bibere, which indicates “to drink.” However, there is a competing opinion that recommends “beer” comes from the Germanic word beuwoz, which translates to “barley.” The Italians, the Dutch, the Germans, and the French all had words that sounded similar to “beer.” So while we can not agree on where exactly the word comes from.

2. The World’s Oldest Brewery Resides In Germany

Weihenstephan, Germany, is the home of the Weihenstephan Brewery, widely accepted as the world’s oldest brewery. It started brewing beer in 1040 which means that beer has been bringing happiness to people in the area for nearly 1,000 years ago. To put that in aspect, the oldest brewery in the US is the Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, which started brewing beer 789 years later in 1829. Weihenstephan is famous for their hefeweizen, a delightfully wheat beer.

1. Watering Down Beer Was Once Punishable By Death


In ancient Babylon, there was a king named Hammurabi. He made a very strict set of rules. Back in this time period, it was very common to see beer brewers and tavern owners watering down their beer or making beer with improper ingredients in order to make extra money. Hammurabi, however, would have none of this defiling of such a valuable commodity and passed a law forbidding watering down. The punishment for violating this rule was death.

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